
Homeland safety
and security news

Milipol Asia-Pacific and TechX Summit have come together to organise a joint event. The conference segment will focus on the theme of “Artificial Intelligence and Homeland Security”

Milipol Asia-Pacific's new addition to its programme this year, the Techx Summit, is a three-day conference and exhibition centred on science and technology to enhance public safety and national security in the Asia Pacific region.

JUPITER 5F: Advanced durability and protection for firefighters

The Austrian family-owned company ESKA is introducing the JUPITER 5F, part of their latest generation of textile firefighter gloves. These gloves are designed to maintain their mechanical and thermal integrity even after 20 washes at 60°C, adhering to the EN 659:2003 + A1:2008 standards for washability and durability. Key features JUPITER 5F gloves offer high…

La France et l’intelligence économique : passage à l’offensif !

Si la France a longtemps fait preuve d’une grande naïveté, elle prend enfin le sujet de l’intelligence économique à bras le corps et l’impulsion politique est à l’oeuvre.  Depuis 2016, l’Etat a réalisé des efforts manifestes pour se structurer en matière de sécurité économique notamment avec une posture défensive.  Le contexte économique très agressif que…

France and market intelligence: going on the offensive!

For a long time, France was very naïve, but now it is finally taking the subject of business intelligence head-on, and the political impetus is there.  Since 2016, the State has made clear efforts to structure itself in terms of economic security, in particular with a defensive posture.  The very aggressive economic climate we are…

Windward Maritime AI and Interpol partner to fight global maritime crime

Windward has been chosen by Interpol to strengthen its global efforts to create a safer maritime environment

Genasys et Tablet Command révolutionnent la gestion des urgences chez les pompiers

Genasys a annoncé un partenariat avec Tablet Command, une solution de gestion des interventions d'urgence destinée aux professionnels des services d'incendie, qui leur permet d'accéder en temps réel aux zones d'évacuation via Genasys Protect.

Milipol Paris: Attendance at the 2023 edition up by almost 40 percent

Milipol Paris 2023’s strong turnout demonstrates the event’s enduring relevance for the homeland security and safety sector

ASKION Laser Range Finder: From industrial automation to security monitoring

The ASKION Laser Range Finder is an eye-safe device equipped with 905 nm laser diodes, designed for a wide range of measurement tasks. This Laser Distance Measurement Module (DMM) combines technical precision with a favourable cost-benefit ratio, tailored to meet specific operational requirements including measuring frequency, pulse energy, and data interface options. Technical specifications Operating…

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